The Greatest Showman

                 The Greatest Showman is based on the first circus  created by P.T. Barnum (Hugh Jackman).  P.T. was a lower class dressmaker's son who lived in Connecticut during the mid 1800's.  P.T. Barnum married an upper class woman named Charity(Michelle Williams), and they had two Daughters.  Their family started a circus that performed all over England.

                 After P.T. and his family got the idea for a circus, they put up "wanted" posters for people with peculiarities.  people were coming by the hundreds to watch their shows, sadly, there are pro testers, who are getting angry that the people in the show are different and should not be put on display for all to see.  P.T. also goes and finds an apprentice Phillip Carlyle (Zac Efron). While Burnum goes on tour with Jenny Lind (Rebecca Ferguson), a budding soprano singer. Phillip is sweet on the very beautiful trapeze artist Anne Wheeler (Zendaya), but there is a catch, she is black in this era, the match of an upper class rich boy and an lower class black woman were frowned apon.  Closer to the end of the tour, when Mr. Barnum had been gone for a long time there was a lot of tension Mrs. Barnum and Mss. Lind. P.T. Barnum returned to his wife the breaking point had already been reached and his wife had already moved back to her parents house.  To make matters worse, the building that the circus was performing at was burned down by angry protestors.  In a time of no insurance protection, this was a devastating loss causing bankruptcy. Barnum is determined to repair the problems, and to support his family and faithful performers. using his incredible ingenuity, he rises out of ashes of his destruction, and by the end of the movie, rides an elephant to his daughters recital, with his usual dramatic flair. 

               though out the course of this movie, every one learns that differences don't matter.  love and adaptability can transcend social and racial classes.  Dreamers ca dream big and achieve their goals. this movie smashed through, social norms and class. in the words of P.T. Burnum him self "The Noblest Art is that of making others happy".  those word were taken in to consideration while filming this movie.  The Greatest Showman shows people that race, class and appearances don't matter, it just matters how you see yourself, and what you are willing to achieve.      



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